Less is More - Tackle the kids' rooms

You may need to schedule a playdate for your kiddos if they are home while you attempt this.  It might get ugly, otherwise.

Your mission today is to get rid of the excess in your kids' bedrooms.  And the playroom if you have it.  Anything broken needs to go.  Ditto for things with too many pieces.  And duplicates.  And things they don't play with.  Keep the classics like Legos, books, puzzles, Lincoln logs, good quality dolls (Barbies are suspect....), train sets, and so on.  If it breaks your heart to trash the artwork, allow yourself to save one masterpiece per child per year and mail the rest to grandparents, aunts, and any of your BFF's that have the guts to look at it once, appreciate it,  and file it...in the garbage. 

Then get it out of the house.  This is a critical step.  Don't ask how I know but trust me.  This is a critical step!

You will have cleaned out linen closets, the kitchen, bathrooms, the den, and now the kids' rooms!  You deserve an ice cream sundae.  With alot of chocolate.  And cinnamon rolls.  Call me if you feel led to share.............

Bonus mission - Tackle the bookshelves in your home. If books are your treasured friends like they are mine, this will be D-I-F-F-I-C-U-L-T.  But arm yourself with a Tab (my personal fav) and get to it.  Set a goal to clear out at least 25 books and donate them to the library.  When we did this last year, we stocked the shelves in our adult SS class at our church and invited folks to take what they wanted - to borrow or to keep.  Interestingly, we have enough books so that I need to do this again....