Reading notes - week 80 =Getting First Place

A very dear friend asked me to write a letter to her graduating senior many years ago. That young girl is now grown and married but when I was in Colossians this week, I remembered her letter.  It was pure joy to sit down and pen a note to this young adult that I love tremendously.  It was sweet to think about the past we've shared, fun to think about her right now, and very exciting to ponder her future.

But I wanted to send her on her way with something more than memories of good times and anticipation of what lies in store for her.

Earlier, when pondering graduation, my heart spilled out 12 things for graduates to know.  You can read those here   /livingletters4/2014/05/twelve-tips-for-graduates.html

They still hold true.

But for  McKenzie, and for the rest of the young adults I know who will be closing one chapter of their lives and picking up their pen to begin another...what do I want to say today?

I want you to be successful.  I want you to win. 

 I want you to get first place in life. 

But I want to be sure you get first place right.

If you will let your guiding light be the principle in these verses, I assure you that you will never regret your choices. I guarantee that you will enjoy success and peace and joy. And  I promise you rich rewards that will last for all Eternity.

You will indeed get first place.

Colossians 1:17,18 -
And He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.  He is also head of the body, the church, and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself might come to have FIRST PLACE in everything.

When you're doing course assignments, give Him first place.
When you're picking a movie or a website, give Him first place.
When you're choosing where to spend the weekend, give Him first place.
When you're making friends, give Him first place.
When you're joining clubs, give Him first place.
When you're making financial decisions, give Him first place.
When you're investing in a relationship, give Him first place.
When you get up in the morning, give Him first place.

When first place is right, all else holds in place just right.
Choose wisely.