Girl Power

I grew up in the throes of feminism. All around me were emerging philosophies that insisted (rightly) on equality of pay and opportunity. Slowly women began being recognized as capable of the same accomplishments as men. This movement gave great opportunity to my generation and all that have followed.

Like all changes, though, there came some bad with the good. In attempts to establish ourselves as "equal", women began to believe that meant "sameness". As a gender, we morphed into acting like our power came from argumentation, domination, and aggression. I suppose that has won us some battles but I posit that perhaps we have lost more than we have gained. When I look around, I see an awful lot of females acting like bullies. All in the name of power. And, while men may outwardly defer to their demands, it seems to me that inwardly they long for women to be women and for men to be men. Equal is one thing...sameness is another.

God's design is not to assign positions of inferiority and superiority, but rather for both genders to express different aspects of His nature. In the image of God, He created him, male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27 Singularly, each gender cannot convey the attributes of God but collectively, we get a picture of what He is like.

So when we insist on sameness, we rob the world of an opportunity to see the glory of God.

And we wind up resorting to ineffective tactics to achieve the power we need to influence those around us. Things like airing our opinions too freely. Insisting that others do things our way because we're right. Pushing back when we get bumped. Demanding that our "needs" get met. Proving our worth by challenging authority or competing fiercely with those around us.

Compared to the repression previous generations have experienced, some find this preferable.

But I don't think it's an "either/or" option.

God has indeed equipped us with girl power. Ways to handle even the most impossible situations with laudable results. Options that every woman of God can avail herself of, regardless of her education, her social standing, or her life stage.

Two "weapons", if you will. Although I extend a word of caution here - "weapons" are used in combat against an enemy. We need to remember who the enemy is...and who it is not. Our enemy is not our husband, our children, our employer or our neighbor. Not flesh and blood at all but rather, our enemy is spiritual. The enemy who wants to attack us, divide us, and ultimately, destroy us. He shows up in disguise and deceives us into thinking that we should fight another to get what we want. And in that process, walls are built, souls are damaged, and relationships are severed.

God has a better way.

The first weapon is available to all believers, not just women. It is actually two weapons in one, strapped together like two sticks of dynamite, powerful for blowing up plans and plots of destruction, of harm, of despair. An invisible weapon, to be sure, but dynamically effective indeed.
This double-barreled weapon is mentioned in one passage and explained more thoroughly in another:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses 2 Corinthians 10:3,4

The weapons mentioned there are explained further in Ephesians 6:17b-18 - the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view,be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,

The weapons? Prayer and God's Word. In tandem.
Praying the Word of God. Taking Scripture and praying it, believing it, standing on Truth. Powerful for destroying the schemes of the real enemy. Powerful to accomplish God's will on Earth. Powerful to fulfill the desires of our hearts.

Invisible. But effective. Powerful. And available.

When we women are willing to pray, God responds. And He is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think.

Through prayer, God moves mightily to get His will done on Earth. When we pray according to His Word, He moves mountains. He restores relationships, provides protection, appropriates resources, and changes hearts. All He wants are a few hearts willing to cry out to Him. To pray and keep praying. And to follow what He tells us to do.

Prayer. Not great knowledge or persuasive speech. Not impressive talent or force of will. Not tenacity or determination. Prayer is the tool God makes available for us to wield power.

If you want some help getting started, I have posted a link on the side that lists Scripture prayers for each day of the month - verses to read and pray God's Word back to Him for yourself, your hubby, an your kiddos. (Tip - the format on a mobile device doesn't show this link in same place as on a laptop so you may have to search -- but it is there :) )

The second weapon, also quite powerful and effective, is one that God makes available specifically for women, particularly wives, in fact.

The second weapon, well, I'll tell you tomorrow. This post is getting long!