Keeping the light on...

She girds herself with strength
And makes her arms strong.
18 She senses that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out at night.

In the previous post, we established what it means for our lamp to not go out at night, that in the dark times of life, our light - our message to the world - keeps shining.

And this requires strength.

Three different kinds.

First, is physical. While it is sometimes overemphasized or pursued from a wrong motivation, we need to realize that our physical health is an important factor in our being able to keep the light on in the dark times of life.

I hope you took the chance to visit Transfit and get some ideas for strengthening your body. Now let's see how we can strengthen our soul ...

Soul strengthening comes from speaking Truth to ourselves. Not just talking to ourselves but rather carefully speaking TRUTH. We can believe a lot of lies and not even realize it.

For instance, how many times have we said, either aloud or to our own hearts something like this:
"I can't take it anymore"
"I am all alone"
"I deserve some 'me' time"
"I can't help how I feel"
"This situation is horrible and hopeless"
"God doesn't love me/He won't help me"

These might seem like normal, harmless feelings but they are actually lies that will put out our lights in the nights.

So how do we do this thing?
We replace the lies with speaking His word to ourselves, over and over and over.

Instead of "I can't take it anymore" - we say "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13) He will help me do whatever He sets before me.
Instead of "I am all alone" - "He says 'I will never leave you or forsake you' " ( Hebrews 13:5) I am not alone.
Instead of  "I deserve some 'me' time" - "I am not my own, I have been bought with a price, therefore I will glorify God in my body" (I Corinthians 6:19,20) I will lay down my life for others like He did.
Instead of "I can't help how I feel", - Feelings follow thinking  "As a (wo)man thinks in her heart, so she is" (Proverbs 23:7)
Instead of "This situation is horrible and hopeless" - "I know that God promises to work all things for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  And He, the God of all hope, is able to make all hope abound in my life".( Romans 8:28, 15:13)
Instead of "God doesn't love me/He won't help me" -" Nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate me from His love. And He promises that He has provided all the help I need already. " (Romans 8:38,39/John 14:16,17)

Our feelings are not truth.  But because they are truly real, we have to deal with them. And we deal with them by ferreting out the lies and replacing them with Truth.  Just like we strengthen ourselves physically by repetitions, the same is true with our soul-strength.

To keep our lamp burning in the night, let's strengthen our bodies and especially our souls.  Speak the Truth of God's Word over and over and over to our selves. Instead of listening to what our souls have to speak!