Help for the Holidays

When you realize that THE HOLIDAYS are upon us, does the thought strike fear in your heart? Excitement? Dread? Sheer joy? Panic? Guilt?  Maybe a feelings potpourri of allof these?

Same here!  So let's work together to get rid of those feelings of guilt and fear and dread and instead prepare our hearts to celebrate with joy and peace - sound good to you?  It does to me!

A few weeks ago, I solicited your help and you came through with some really great ideas.  Thank you!  Over the next few posts, I'll be sharing what I learned from you so that we can all benefit. Keep an eye on the blog and tune in to The Jules Show, 88.9 The Reach WMSL, on November 6, 8-11 PM for more info.

In the meantime, let's get this thing started!