challenge 2020- the end! And the beginning.....

Dec 28 - Rev 1-5

Dec 29 - Rev 6-11

Dec 30 - Rev 12-18

Dec 31 - Rev 19-22

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! We made it! Way to go! Even if you didn’t get all the readings in, way to go. Any amount of time in His Word is rich indeed! This has been so wonderful, hearing from so many of you as we read through together. To say I have loved it is an understatement.

In fact, I have loved it so much that I want to keep going. This time, at a slower pace. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I felt rushed, trying to just get the reading done rather than grasping what I was reading. So, with 2020 in the rearview mirror, I want to take a TWO YEAR approach to reading through the Bible. This will be a nice change of pace for me.

I would so love it if you would join me. In fact, I challenge you to do it! I’ll send out each week’s reading plan on Sunday’s again, all through 2021-22. And we can relish more time in His Word and marvel at the new insights He provides.

If you are willing to give it a try, let me know. It’d make my day :)