
We’ve had some new readers join us over the past few weeks so I wanted to give them an idea of what we are doing on here :) First of all, welcome! And to all of you - thanks for reading! It blessed my socks off Sunday and Monday when several of you noticed the reading assignments for this week didn’t come through - sorry about that glitch and thank you for reading <3

Newbies - last year we read through the Bible chronologically. Each week I sent out the passages for the upcoming week. So many of us loved it that we decided to do it again - but slower this time. We are taking two years to read through all of the Bible and it’s been a blast! How amazing is our God that He shows us fresh Truth even in passages we’ve read before!! Also, this year, on the regularly scheduled “Wednesday’s Word”, I share insights from something we’ve read that week. Sometimes the whole post is devoted to a single passage; other times, it’s a hodge-podge of thoughts from several passages. I especially love hearing the treasures you all have dug out! Thank you for sharing those with me - keep ‘em coming!

No pressure (of course!) to join in but know that we would love to have you reading along with us. You can begin at the beginning or just pick up where we are and get the earlier passages later. Regardless, you can enjoy the Wednesday’s Word - timeless truths of Scripture whether you are reading the assigned passages or not.

Readers, you are dear to me. I love sharing His Word - and my life- with you all!