Reading notes - week 63

I love the story of Esther. Beautiful little orphan girl. Raised by a courageous and selfless uncle. Becomes beloved Queen. Saves her people from annihilation. Bad guys lose, good guys win. Such a tremendous - and true! - story!

I love it. I really do. But the part that encourages and inspires me is “the rest of the story”. Because, let’s be honest, most of us are not candidates for Queen these days. And the “bad guys” who plague us are more likely to live in our neighborhood than they are to be hanged for treason.

So, what is in the story for modern day us?

A lot.

The theme of Queen Esther’s story seems to me to be the invisible hand of God, orchestrating all the events of her life to accomplish His purpose. For her good and His glory. Just think about it - she is orphaned by not abandoned. A kind and courageous uncle takes care of her. He not only takes care of her, he also guides her and helps her develop into “queen material”. They develop such a bond that she respects and trusts him completely - she relies on him for counsel all the way through her reign.

Then, out of all the beautiful women in Xerxes’s kingdom (which Iis estimated that in 480 B.C. to have had 50 million people living until its control. This huge amount was roughly 44% of the world's population at the time, making it the largest world power ever in terms by population percentage.), little orphan Esther is chosen to be queen. She gained the favor of Xerxes’s staff and then that of the King himself.

Anybody thinking this is more than coincidence yet?

Then, Xerxes’s chief of staff, full of power and influence, sets her uncle in his crosshairs. Not only her uncle but her entire race! Little orphan Esther is able, through the counsel of her wise uncle, to reverse this course and increase her favor with the king. The same king who had an ego the size of his kingdom and a temper as fierce as fire.

And this uncle, this obscure Jew, doomed for destruction , was not only spared, he was elevated to second in command of the kingdom.

Wow. What a story!

But what does this mean for us? Even the 12 month beautification routine is not likely to equip me for queenship! Is Esther just meant to be our heroine? Someone to be admired and enjoyed?

I think definitely not. I think the main point of the story is what goes on behind the scenes, between the lines on the page.

The Hand of God at work. Guiding. Directing. Providing. Protecting. Accomplishing His plan.

Throughout His Word, we are assured that His plan will be accomplished (Isaiah 46 is just one of many places where He declares this truth - For I am God and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying “My purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure”) His plan cannot be thwarted. We need not fear. Instead, we should be confident and encouraged. Because not only is His plan a certainty, we also have the assurance that His plan is good! He is for us. He has chosen us. And He is at work on our behalf, in ways we cannot see.

You and I may never become Queen but we, too, have Almighty God, directing, guiding, protecting and providing. For our good. Whatever you are facing today, I exhort you to look to the story of Esther and see what is behind the story.

Our great and glorious God. The One who is able to do exceeding abundantly, beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. To HIM be the glory in the church, and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. AMEN!!