SCOTUS has spoken....what now?

There is no pressing need for me to add my voice to the many clamoring to be heard in the wake of the recent SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade. Certainly a lot has been said and will continue to be said. I don’t have any deep revelations to share.

But I don’t want to be silent.

How are we as Christ-followers to respond to this decision?  In celebration? Did we “win”? Is it over now?

Here are my thoughts…process them as you will….

1.       In light of the decades of labor that thousands of faithful people have invested to reach this day, I think a victory lap of sorts is certainly in order.  A somber one, though. Not like we Dawg fans enjoyed in Indianapolis this past January but rather a sober giving of thanks.  Gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His grace at work through so many people for almost 50 years to accomplish this milestone.

2.       A wide-eyed recognition of what it cost to get to this point.  Foremost, the lives that have been lost. Horrifically costly. Additionally, the financial sacrifice that countless selfless people absorbed in the quest to protect life.  Also, not least at all, the persecution that has been endured by those courageous enough to stand against the tide of public opinion.  This is not insignificant.  It is painful.  It is costly. It is very real.  And we should applaud and support and stand beside our brothers and sisters who are suffering for such courage.

3.       While we can pause for a second to thank God and catch our breath, we must realize the work that is yet to be done. Legislatively. Spiritually. Financially. Emotionally.  Every way you can imagine, this battle remains to be won. Rather than seeing this as a ship that has reached its destination, we should see it instead as a ship that is being redirected. The ship has been travelling in the wrong direction for 49 years, destroying (literally) lives caught in its wake. This SCOTUS decision turns the ship in the right direction, no longer plowing over women and preborn babies. But those people are still floundering in the water! We must valiantly rescue them from the waters of crisis and bring them onto the ship where we can care for them and equip them to live. We must work to make every state a place of safe waters and a place of compassionate care.

4.      There are many scared women that need our help. There are many women suffering from post abortive trauma, from shame or guilt.. They all need our compassion and our help. We must not become overwhelmed at the scope of the work yet to be done, the crises yet to be resolved. We must seek out ways we can help, one person at a time. One legislature at a time. Keep working. DO NOT STOP NOW.

5.       Abortion advocates often accuse the pro-life supporters of being only “pro-birth”, not caring for the baby after it arrives.  That is actually not true and we must prove that over and over and over.  . If you don’t know what to do, find the closest Christian pregnancy center and ask how you can serve them. In the area where I live , works with not only Moms but also Dads and women who have not chosen life in the past. These groups can always use some help. Become involved in the foster care system – either as a foster parent or supporting someone who fosters themselves. The system is broken and frustrating…and a perfect place for the redemptive light of Christ’s love to shine!

6.       Work to make adoption more accessible and affordable. It just shouldn’t be so hard!

7.       Become involved in organizations that serve at risk moms, equipping them to raise their children independently. If you live in the Athens area, check this  out

8.       Contact your state legislators.  If they have taken a prolife stance, thank them!  Profusely! Assure them of your support and make it known at the ballot box.  If they are not prolife, express your views respectfully and ask them to support women and children.

9.       Pray. Keep praying. This SCOTUS decision is not the result of the work of men but rather the grace of God. Pray. Do not cease to pray.

10.   Rescue those women and babies that are still in the water. Bring them onto the ship.  Show them compassion, not condemnation. Empathize with the fear and desperation they are likely experiencing. Provide for their needs!



Thank you, dear Father, for the work You have accomplished.  Grant us grace to follow where You lead us. Give us courage. Diligence. Perseverance. Compassion. Empathy. Make us more like Jesus. Redeem those who need to be rescued.