How well does your belt fit?

In keeping with the theme of our last couple of Wednesday's Word posts, today we will consider another piece of the armor God has provided to keep us from injury -- our belt of truth.

Ephesians 6:14 

Stand therefore,

having fastened on the belt of truth.   

Sounds like this belt helps us so?

Back to the image of the Roman soldier, which will help us understand what is being conveyed here...

The belt worn by these soldiers was not a skinny little fashion statement.  Not at all.  It was a wide piece of strong leather, worn around the waist and covering much of the ribs and abdomen area.  Its three main purposes were 1)to hold breastplate securely 2)place to stash weapons (sword and knife) and 3)means whereby to tuck the tunic in so as to run unimpeded.  Instead of being about fashion, it was definitely about function.

What's the spiritual parallel for us in the battles we wage every day?

To begin with, let me state that I don't think the "belt of truth" is God's Word, although I certainly do believe that God's Word is Truth!  The reason why is because the Sword is later identified as the Word of God and also because the belt HOLDS the weapons, rather than being a weapon itself.  So, what is this belt?

Let's look at the purposes of the soldier's belt and draw their spiritual parallels...

1) holding the breastplate securely --- the breastplate is our righteousness, imputed to us because of Christ.  The application, then, could be the TRUTH of who we are IN CHRIST.  We are made righteous because of Him and this TRUTH gives us the confidence to approach the Throne of grace to find help in the battle.  Without the TRUTH of who we are IN CHRIST, we would be afraid to ask for His help (over and over and over) and would not have the grace and strength we need to win.

2)place to stash weapons - since our weapons are God's Word and prayer (see v. 18 - I am preempting things a bit!), TRUTH is needed to keep them ready for our use.  The TRUTH that God's Word is divinely inspired (

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness

2 Timothy 3:16),and the TRUTH that God answers the prayers of His children (

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears

)Psalm 34:4 prompt me to use these weapons in the battles that come my way.  Again, confidence that comes from this TRUTH.  Confidence that these weapons are

not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds

2 Corinthians 10:4.  In other words, relying on the TRUTH that God's Word and prayer will work!

3)tucking in the tunic so as to run without getting tangled up.  I love this one.  The belt of truth - training my mind to focus on what is true, not speculation or perception or vain imaginations.  TRUTH.  As in, a loved one is having tests run - focusing on that truth rather than what the results might be before they come in.  As in, what someone actually said rather than drawing conclusions on what they meant and what that means for you.  As in, accepting being wronged by someone and being willing to forgive rather than letting their offense define your relationship.  This application of TRUTH helps us walk without stumbling, run without getting tangled speculations, perceptions, vain imaginations.  Just walking in TRUTH.

The belt of truth.  Helping us stand against the attacks of the enemy of our souls.

These shoes were made for walkin'

 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peaceEphesians 6:15

We've all been admonished to "walk a mile in their moccasins" in order to understand someone else's point of view.  Good suggestion.  But we are exhorted in Scripture to walk in a different manner.  Our feet are to be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.  Let's unpack that verse....

First of all, this verse is in the midst of the passage sometimes referred to as "The Christian's Dress for Success"  -- putting on the armor of God so that we can successfully withstand the attacks of the enemy.  What do shoes have to do with it?

Well, the writer of this epistle is drawing on a picture quite familiar to the readers of his day -- that of the Roman soldier.  The image evoked here would be of thick shoes, strapped onto the feet of the warrior.  The bottom of the shoes would be studded with iron nails which provided better traction on rugged terrain as well as protection from razor sharp spikes stuck in the ground as enemy traps.  The shoes were strapped on with secure binding so that they wouldn't come loose in the battle.

The Gospel of Peace prepares the Christian to walk successfully in the battle, to endure the rugged trail, to avoid injury from the traps set by the enemy.  But how?  This Gospel of Peace is not referring to our peace with God (that's taken care of by the breastplate of righteousness...but that's another post).  No, the Gospel of Peace is referring to our relationship with others. 

The counsel given here is that having peace with others is a key to victory in our walk of life.  Peace, reconciliation, that is possible because we have peace with God ourselves. 

When there is not peace with others, we are prone to stumble along the trail.  To get cut by the spikes set out by the enemy of our souls.  To be unable to walk or stand, sustaining injury.  Practically speaking, this looks like bitterness towards a sister.  Hard-heartedness towards a neighbor.  Avoidance of a former friend.  Private pains of loneliness, feelings of rejection, depression over unmet needs, isolation.

Maybe we need to strap on the shoes of peace and walk to someone today for reconciliation.  If this brings a name or two to your mind, I hope you'll walk on, sister.  Walk on.  Victory's in sight - for you - not to mention what it will do for your comrade.